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Jason Alexander, Founder
Plastic Free July is a global movement, urging us all to do our bit for cleaner streets, oceans and communities. So, who better to talk to about the scourge of plastic in our environment, than Jason Alexander, founder of award-winning social enterprise, Rubbish Walks.
In this episode, Lesley Dolphin heads over to the banks of the River Orwell to chat to Jason about the impact rubbish is having on the environment; from drinks bottles and cigarette butts to lesser-known nurdles and bio beads.
Known to many as the Wildlife Gadget Man, before founding Rubbish Walks Jason had spent two decades designing wildlife camera systems. In 2014, whilst out photographing a sunrise he discovered a gannet on Bawdsey beach that had got caught in pink balloon and ribbon and subsequently died. It was at this moment that Jason knew he needed to do more the raise awareness about the impact we’re having on wildlife without even thinking about it.
His mission is now to spread the word, always seeking new and innovative ways of engaging with people and asking if they can think about making just one or two changes to help reduce the amount of plastic they use.
He also works with lots of schools and is passionate that education is key. Jason says “we’re not about building communities of litter pickers, we’re about building communities that don’t litter.”
To find out more about Rubbish Walks please visit: https://rubbishwalks.co.uk
And if you want to find out more about Plastic Free July you can visit their website: www.plasticfreejuly.org
Jason also advocates keeping up-to-date with what can and can’t be recycled here in Suffolk: https://suffolkrecycling.org.uk